Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Projections show smaller future stock returns | Synopsis


Aswath Damodaran

Overall Sentiment: 0.295333

Relevance: 0.858249


Overall Sentiment: 0

Relevance: 0.815544

Jared Kizer

Overall Sentiment: 0.120616

Relevance: 0.588009

Ken French

Overall Sentiment: 0.189372

Relevance: 0.518745


Overall Sentiment: 0.0621694

Relevance: 0.496099

0.062632Jared notes, "The peaks and valleys are where we should have expected them to be. The most recent value of the ratio is about 1.8, which is above the long-term mean of 1.5, indicating that investors should expect equity returns to be below their long-term norm."
Sentiment Stats:
  • Number of Quotes: 1
  • Aggregate Sentiment: 0.062632
  • Mean: 0.062632
  • Standard Deviation: 1.4142135623731


  • Aggregate Sentiment is meant to be an indicator of an individual's overall sentiment.
  • The Mean is meant to be an indicator of an individual's average comment sentiment.
  • The Standard Deviation, when there are enough quotes, will indicate an individual's consistency of sentiment (i.e. a Standard Deviation of 0 would mean they were very consistent in their sentiment and 1 would mean they were very inconsistent).

Note that quote stats are likely to be meaningless beyond the aggregate score due to the tiny sample size. However, they are always provided just in case you find something useful there.

Additional Info:

Facility: New York University

Overall Sentiment: 0

Relevance: 0.464987

Country: U.S.

Overall Sentiment: -0.0129029

Relevance: 0.431164

Disambiguation: Location | Region | AdministrativeDivision | GovernmentalJurisdiction | FilmEditorReferences:

FieldTerminology: inflation rate

Overall Sentiment: 0.240303

Relevance: 0.463425

Company: Shiller

Overall Sentiment: -0.265287

Relevance: 0.750441

Organization: Philadelphia Federal Reserve

Overall Sentiment: 0.414165

Relevance: 0.480101

URL Meta Details

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